14 Dicembre 2014 Connekt Expo

“Eat Your ART” Interview with Connekt Product Designer Chiara Ricci

Eat Your Art at Connekt Art Expo 2014 Rome by Chiara Ricci Project

How can we put an end to the ‘starving artist’ catastrophe?

By bringing artists and chefs together! or maybe by introducing ways that Artists can eat their art ,)

Jokes aside, through a game invention of  Chiara Ricci, during Connekt Expo 2014, we are helping visitors experience the artist and chef within with a game called ‘Eat you Art’ project.

When at Connekt we introduced the challenge of Artist Confronting Chefs for 2014 Rome Expo, we never thought the one who would respond to it would be a young Milan based award winning product designer from Caserta who has dedicated her talent into making eating more joyful and pleasing.

Creativity is the seed of a greener future but this seed will never grow into a tree and come to fruition if it is not planted by productive minds and then watered by business minds.

Chiara is an example of a creative talent who has taken it to the next level of production so that we can all live in her ideal world and enjoy a better life in near future with her creations. While introducing a very new interactive game for the Connekt Expo 2014 visitors to enjoy, Chiara will also be exhibiting her project: ‘Food Design for Happy Living’ and ‘Estro’.

Here is our engaging interview with the award winning Italian talent:

ConnektExpo Chiara Ricci Interview

Interview with Connekt Product Designer Chiara Ricci


  Tell us a bit about Chiara as a child. How was your life like?

IT. Senza dubbio un’infanzia gioiosa e piena di colore. Un pugno di pastelli ed ero felice: disegnavo e scarabocchiavo dappertutto, anche sui muri, con grande piacere della mamma! La curiosità mi portava ovunque ed era già chiara la mia passione per il cibo: nulla era un ostacolo pur di raggiungere il barattolo dei biscotti!

ENG. Without a doubt, my childhood was joyful and full of color. Just give me some crayons and I was happy: I drew and scribbled everywhere, even on the walls, which really walked on Mom’s nerve! Curiosity led me everywhere and it was already clear my passion for food: nothing was an obstacle for me in order to reach the cookie jar!


If you have to name one life experience that has helped you be who you are today, what would that be?

IT. Le esperienze di viaggio e studio in Italia e all’estero sono state fondamentali per crescere, per capire cosa succedeva al di fuori della mia città. In particolare l’anno trascorso in Belgio come studentessa Erasmus mi ha arricchito molto, ho avuto l’opportunità di sperimentare l’autoproduzione e capire quali sono realmente i passaggi per arrivare da un’idea ad un prodotto finito.

ENG. The experiences of travel and study in Italy and abroad have been fundamental to grow, to understand what was going on outside of my city. Especially, the past year in Belgium as an Erasmus student has enriched me a lot, I had the opportunity to experience the self production and understand the required steps to turn an idea to a finished product.


If you have to name 1 innovation of yours that you are most proud of, which one would it be? Why?

Interview with Connekt Product Designer

Happy Living on the interview with Connekt Product Designer Chiara Ricci

IT. Il progetto in cui più credo e che mi ha dato più soddisfazione è “Food Design for Happy Living”, che troverete in esposizione durante Connekt Art Expo, un progetto che si ispira alle tradizioni antiche di un territorio attraverso il design.
Il set di piatti è ideato per essere colorato con gli ingredienti: caratterizzati da diversi incavi che richiamano i tradizionali pattern della ceramica di Vietri, ogni piatto consente l’alloggio del cibo in composizioni sempre diverse, assumendo cromaticamente le sembianze di una piastrella. Il progetto guarda alla valorizzazione del territorio, ma è “il progetto della decorazione” in sé la reale innovazione, poiché ribalta la funzione dell’atto decorativo generalmente fatto al termine dell’impiattamento.

ENG. The project which I think that gave me the most satisfaction is “Food Design for Happy Living”, which you will find on display during Connekt Art Expo, a project that is inspired by the ancient traditions of the southern Italy through design.
The set of dishes is designed to be colored with the ingredients: characterized by different grooves that recall the traditional pattern of Vietri, every dish allows the accommodation of food in different compositions, chromatically assuming the guise of a tile.
The project as whole aims to help develop the local industry, but “the Decoration Project” in itself is the real innovation, because it revolutionizes the way the decoration of a dish is usually done.


Who is the funniest person you have ever met?

IT. Un collega ed amico che mi ha insegnato l’importanza dell’autoironia. Prendersi in giro è un punto di forza che richiede umiltà e coraggio: ridere ti da la carica e l’energia giusta per affrontare le situazioni e sdrammatizzarle, trasmettendo positività a chi ti sta intorno.

ENG. A colleague and friend of mine who taught me the importance of self-irony. Making fun of yourself is a strength that requires humility and courage:  Smile gives you the right energy to deal with situation calmly without dramatizing them, and it sends positivity to others around you.


What is the biggest challenge you have faced in getting your product out?

IT. Sconfiggere la timidezza e l’insicurezza! Uscire dal guscio e promuoversi da soli è il primo importante passo, un consiglio per tutti i giovani che come me sono all’inizio del loro percorso. È difficile che qualcuno venga a cercarti se non mostri cosa sai fare. Partecipare a concorsi, condividere i tuoi progetti sul web, andare a mostre ed eventi del settore, prendere contatti, sono tutte esperienze importanti che servono a formarti.

ENG. Overcoming shyness and insecurity! The first step in succeeding is to get out there and promote yourself. That’s also my tip for all young people like me who are early in their path. It is difficult for someone to come looking for you if you do not show what you can do. Enter contests, share your projects on the web, go to shows and industry events, making contacts, are all important experiences that shape your need.


 If you have one request from government in support of talents like you what would that be?

IT. Assolutamente chiederei di avere a disposizione laboratori in cui poter sperimentare, lavorare materiali e creare prototipi. Fucine di idee, dove i creativi si incontrano, lavorano in sinergia, scambiano esperienze. Una realtà in cui i progettisti si interfacciano con aziende del settore, un’opportunità di crescita associata al confronto diretto con i committenti.

ENG. I would absolutely ask to have studios in which one can experiment, work, and create prototypes. Also, would ask them to create Idea Labs, where creative people come together, work together, and share experiences. Third I would ask for a real platform where designers interact with industry players, an opportunity association that helps us grow through direct contact with the clients.


  If you have to name one reason for investors on why they should invest in your project, what would that be?

IT. Credo nel design che rallegra e semplifica la vita, nelle innovazioni, nella cultura alla base dei progetti. Il mio motto è “il design è la progettazione di un’esperienza”: credo che progettare significhi trasmettere emozioni, far riscoprire culture e memorie, coinvolgere emotivamente i fruitori. Ho voglia di crescere, di imparare, di sperimentare e mettermi in gioco: investire su di me significa darmi la possibilità di farlo.

ENG. I believe in designs that welcomes and makes life easier, is innovative, and promotes a culture and make this belief the base of any project that I start. My motto is:

Design is the projection of an experience

I think design means to convey emotions, rediscovering cultures and memories, emotionally engage the users. I want to grow, to learn, to experience and put myself in the game: investing in me means give me the opportunity to do so.


 “Eat Your Art” project. Would that be exclusive to Connekt Expo? Tell us abit about it. I am thinking it’s a good way to show our hunger for putting an end to “Starving Artist” phenomenon.

IT. “Eat Your Art” è una food performance ideata appositamente per Connekt Art Expo, interpretando i temi dell’arte e del cibo in modo ironico. L’obiettivo è guardare il cibo da un punto di vista diverso, interagendo e giocando in modo diretto con colori e sapori. Coloro che gradiranno lasciarsi coinvolgere nell’esperienza “mangeranno la propria arte” nel senso letterale della parola, realizzando un piccolo quadro edibile: un gioco che stimola la creatività ed utilizza il cibo in modo originale.

ENG. “Eat Your Art” is a food performance specifically for performance Connekt Art Expo 2014, interpreting the themes of art and food in an ironic way. The goal is to look at the food from a different point of view, playing and interacting directly with colors and flavors. Those who will like to get involved in the experience “will eat their art” in the literal sense of the word, creating a small framework of edible art: a game that stimulates creativity and uses food in an original way.


If you are at Rome between Dec 18 to Dec 21 and wish to enjoy Chiara Ricci’s innovative ‘Eat Your Art’ game, get your ticket at visit.connektexpo.com or contact Chiara with your request for a complimentary private invitation to Dec 19 private viewing and media day.

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Connekt Expo Bridging Gaps through Connektion (Connection and Collaboration) to Make New Chapters Happen