Hey, Canada, andrà tutto bene

The impact of COVID-19 has also been important and severe in our beloved Canada.

As part of the support contract to the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, DW DreamyourMind has made its concrete contribution with the creation of the banner Hey, Canada, andrà tutto bene.

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ICCCW & IDM again with DreamyourMind

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Canada Ovest - Logo

One year is passed, and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West decided to choose again DreamyourMind as a partner for its social media activities on FacebookInstagram, LinkedInPinterest, and Twitter.

More, DreamyourMind will Read more

Social Media activity about ICCCW

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Canada Ovest - Logo

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West always had a high profile on social media, starting from Facebook and passing through Twitter, LinkedInInstagram and Pinterest.

After the
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Nuovo sito web per la Fondazione Noi per Loro Onlus

Fondazione Noi per Loro Onlus - LogoSi rinnova il sodalizio iniziato nel 2006 tra DreamyourMind e la Fondazione Noi per Loro Onlus, con la creazione del nuovo sito internet completamente rinnovato nella grafica e nella struttura grazie all`uso di template di Read more