‘Through Color We Can Hear and Smell’ – Interview with Connekt Spanish Artist ‘Carlos Solórzano’

Interview with Connekt Artist Carlos Solorzano

One thing I heard over and over by visitors who looked at Carlos’ artworks at Connekt 2014 was how colorful his paintings are and how some remind them of space and galaxy.

Carlos Solórzano is a multifaceted artist who had devoted many years to the advertising industry before becoming a full time artist, his works were internationally recognized and rewarded for their creative quality.

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“Eat Your ART” Interview with Connekt Product Designer Chiara Ricci

Eat Your Art at Connekt Art Expo 2014 Rome by Chiara Ricci Project

How can we put an end to the ‘starving artist’ catastrophe?

By bringing artists and chefs together! or maybe by introducing ways that Artists can eat their art ,)

Jokes aside, through a game invention of  Chiara Ricci, during Connekt Expo 2014, we are helping visitors experience the artist and chef within with a game called ‘Eat you Art’ project.

When at Connekt we introduced the challenge of Artist Confronting Chefs for 2014 Rome Expo, we never thought the one who would respond to it would be a young Milan based award winning product designer from Caserta who has dedicated her talent into making eating more joyful and pleasing.

Creativity is the seed of a greener future but this seed will never grow into a tree and come to fruition if it is not planted by productive minds and then watered by business minds.

Chiara is an example of a creative talent who has taken it to the next level of production so that we can all live in her ideal world and enjoy a better life in near future with her creations. While introducing a very new interactive game for the Connekt Expo 2014 visitors to enjoy, Chiara will also be exhibiting her project: ‘Food Design for Happy Living’ and ‘Estro’.

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“The viewer has no choice but to surrender” – Discover Connekt Italian Artist: Gabriella Porpora

Interview with Connekt Artist Gabriela Porpora


Uno degli artisti più interessanti di Connekt Expo è senza dubbio Gabriella Porpora. Docente di Disegno, Pittura e Storia dell’Arte, attualmente vive e lavora a Roma, ma è vissuta lunghi anni all’estero ed ha molto viaggiato.

Il critico d’arte Giorgio Di Genova l’ha inserita nell’Enciclopedia della Storia dell’Arte del XX secolo.
L’artista Gabriella Porpora ha sempre prediletto la commistione di tecniche e materiali, tra cui il perspex per ottenere trasparenze, oscillando dagli assemblages alle pittosculture, procedendo sulla via della combinazione, ovvero intersezione, dai sentieri
dell’informale e del neodada.

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“Art is the body language of the inner-self” Interview with the Connekt Emarati (Dubai) Artist – Sara AlBannay

Interview with Connekt Artist Sara Albannay

This year, through Connekt 2014, during Christmas season, Rome is becoming the hub of connection, connecting East to West.

While the Middle Eastern Art, specifically Arabic art from the gulf region with its poetic and cultural symbolism has yet to find its deserving place in the world, we are happy to represent one of the female Emarati talents, Sara Albannay, at this year’s Connekt.

When I first looked at Sara’s works, her admiration for sensuality, feminity and the UAE culture was the first thing that caught my attention. Sara’s paintings depict the Emarati women of today through silent paintings that talk alot.

In her words:

Art is the deep textured body language of the innerself communcating a special message without words.

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