“I would make Italy World Heritage Site.” interview with Connekt artist Kris Natarò

negozio moda by Connekt Artist Kris Nataro

If the world was an apartment, then businessmen would be the constructors, politicians would be the furniture, and artists would be the door and windows to each condo within the apartment.

A country’s appeal, democracy, tourism, and enlightenment is dictated and reflected largely by their residing artists.

While some artists choose to use art to awaken emotions, there are others who use it to awaken you with a message and evoke actions.  It is my interview with an Italian pop artist who uses art to in her wordings “send a desperate request of help” that inspired me to start this interview post with some deep and symbolic thoughts.

Kris, the name she  prefers to sign her works as, is more than just a pop artist. She is a devoted mother and wife, a designer, a blogger, and marketing director for Connekt project who has a heart for tourism in Italy.

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Gypsies – Where do they Come from? Interview with Connekt Film Maker Louis Mouchet

Rromani Soul Screened At Connekt Film Expo 2014 Rome

In 2014, you have one more reason to visit Rome in December apart from witnessing the beautiful Christmas decorations and Vatican Christmas events. Connekt Expo participants of Rome 2014, are bringing to Rome unique experiences and surprises that are a Read more

“Universal Symbols Make My Art Unique” – Interview with Connekt Artist Anastasia Hansen

Connekt Artist Anastasia Hansen & Artist Shiri Achu- London 2012

Connekt Expo 2014 is less than a month away and our talented artists are busy preparing for a unique and successful show in Rome this December.  I am quite excited to see how it turns out as the Expo is representing diverse and true talents. In our interview series with the Connekt Artists of Rome 2014, I have Read more

Nuovo sito internet online per DreamyourMind

DreamyourMind ha messo online la nuova versione del sito internet: grafica rinnovata, contenuti aggiornati e soprattutto 2 nuove aree pronte a supportarvi: International Marketing, per tutte le aziende che desiderano essere presenti fisicamente all’estero oppure vogliono connettersi con il loro mercato internazionale di riferimento a livello B2B, e Connekt Expo, nuovo evento di Dicembre che avrà il nostro supporto. Read more

Italia Aperta, nuova think tank che da le pagelle alla politica

Sono tanti i gruppi che decidono di presentarsi di fronte all’elettorato con i rischi e le responsabilità a questo connesse.italia-aperta

Ciò è un grande valore per chi come noi che da sempre  sostiene tutte quelle associazioni che, lontane da essere un partito o un movimento politico, amano definirsi delle think tank.

A questo non ha fatto eccezione Read more